Monday, September 18, 2006

Sooo I am getting ready to leave for chem but now Im sorta postponing it for this reason.

You see peoples after teh doctor told me my foot wasnt actually broken I decided "Not broken=suck it up butter cup nooo crutches and nooooo resting it" which is ok cuz I hated not being involved in everything and sucha nd the crutches are eveil death sticks well here lays the non logic in this.

Last night extreme pain and a very non happy carly so the protctor who is an Ex medical aide 9think campus emr) comes down to look at it baisically proclaims that I am an idiot and by not using the crutches I prolly ste myself back a feww days, and realistically I will hurt like hell for a couple weeks essentially USE THE FRIGGEN CRUTCHES. . . not a nice thought no not at all.

I want my classes to be closer . . . and all on the ground floor . . . as opposed to english which is on the third floor Thank god for elevators.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

"Not broken=suck it up butter cup"

Im sorry Flamingo, but I just cant suck it up...