Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wow I need to start updating this more. So anyhow hmm where to start where to start ? I am STILL SICK Its getting worse to where Ive been having trouble breathing and had to be taken from school to the med clinic and then to the hospital for chest Xrays which turned up nothing (so far). This sick thing is starting to get annoying as I would like to just be healthy and not coughing or anything however it could be worse so im ok.

My mommys wedding is saturday I am very excited for her ! I am also excited because I get to wear a pretty dress and pretty shoes and be a bridesmaid, I also get to see all of my family so of whom I havnt seen in EVER we have palnned a big family dinner for Friday night and I am very much happy about this except it means I have to miss our band wind up callaway park trip/concert. However the band trip to Edmonton was susper amazing fun and that makes me feel a bit better.

Grad is in less then a month I am unsure of how I feel . . . It varies between excited and terrified. After grad I have about 2 days before I leave for camp and once I get back from camp I have just over 2 weeks to move and leave for Newfoundland and uni. I am very excited to see how moving and packing etc turns out it should be a good and busy summer. I am very much excited for camp nervous but mostly excited.

I dont really know what else to write . . . So I will stop rambling now . . . Im gonna try and update more but dont hold your breath. Also anyone who actually reads this should leave me a comment so I know wether or not to keep updating. Does anyone even know that I have a blog ??

*Being kidnapped at 3.30 Am is kinna fun and exciting . . . but not when your fingers get slammed in a car door*

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today will have been a year since a good friend of mine died my feelings on this are pretty much blurred. I dont feel like its been a year . . . I guess it should feel like its been forever or something but really it seems like just yesterday. The memories are yet to fade and I hope that they never will. I remember the last words he said to me being "I love you and make good choices" And i cant help but wonder if he would be proud of any of the choices I have made.

Anniversaries of any sort allways make me think about how time seems to go so fast it dosnt feel like a year at all. But looking back so much has happened and changed . . .

I dunno I guess this is mostly nonsensical ramblings but I felt the need to say something. Allways remembered . . .