Thursday, September 28, 2006

Times they are achaninging

Note~I just realized that my blog is still on Alberta time so if you ever read a post and think to yourself "Carly ate breakfast before 6 am ???" Well dont worry . . . I actually ate at 9.30 so to anyone who actually looks at update times just add 3 and a half hours to whatever time you see.

So I went to the hospital today and came away with amazingly good news and not so good news.
I am out of the cast!!!!!!!!! I have been downgraded to a tensor bandage and some weird elasticy tube thingger that goes under it for added support.
Bad news ? The swelling wont go down for about 4-6 weeks (no high heels for carly) And the pain can be expeced to diminish with the swelling . . . BOO URNS however Im probally going to be ok for the last few games of rez intramural soccer.

I have decided that when eating dinner in the dining hall I need to eat less "real food" and save some room for ice cream. I allways want ice cream after I eat but after dinig hall potatos Im usually to blimpish to even consider ice cream with out wanting to barf.

Tommorow is Friday and that makes me happy for some reason the weeks seem to pass by really really super fast here I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing . . . we shall see.

This is becoming rambling so I shall stop now.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

So in an attempt to give myself enough energy to get through my bio lab which goes until 10 I just carbloaded at dinner and let me tell you I disgust even my self right now (thought this would be a good addition to Nav's calorie blurb in her blog) So 4 peices of pita bread, 2 servings of mashed potatos and 1 sub bun later here I am. I may actually make it through the lab with out falling asleep . . . that would be grand!

I have also decided that updatign your blog more then once a day does not make you a geek . . .
So I changed my blog settings at the request of the "lovely??" Filbert, So now all of you non eblog people can comment and on that note Fil because this was for you I do expect comments !!!! . . .

In other news there are some people here who I love very much. I also love my english class, and there are other things I just cant think of the right now . . . I should go fold clothes
Ok the dining hall cant screw up waffle mix . . . but they can screw up waffle machines

I should get ready for chem . . . and english.
So I just realized all my entries have a theme . . . me beign miserable so Ive decided to treat you all to a happy entry even tho it starts not happy.

So yesterday SUCKED like it was horrible in so many ways . . . Well anyhow yesterday night around 1o.30ish i saw Wade ou int he hall and he was all happylike as usual and we ended up talking and then i helped him he into his room cuz the reason he was downstirs was to get a huge box from the trunk room so I held open doors and such well then we ended up talking while he emptied the box . . . and then we talked more and more and then we ended up ordering chinese food and then we talked more cuz it took forever to get here. And then we ate the yummy chinese food and then we talked more. . . it was fun it cheered me up. He gets points for that . . .

Then tonight at dinner he informed me that it was a date because "We spent lots of time together and odered chinese food" my oppinion ? I do not wear pyjamas on dates so PLEH.

PS to all those who read this and ?WoNdEr?
No "actual"dates took place in the course of this entry however it is completly true in its entririty you know what I mean!

Also I have not eaten unch yet this week so Im skipping shower/cast hell dousing my self in body spray and washing my hair in the sink and then going for breakfast . . . mm waffles. even dining hall cant screw up waffle mix!

I guess I odnt hate it here I mean theres some times when Im happier then I feel possible and Ive had soo much fun . . . Its just when Im not happy its magnified because I feel lonely+unhappy if that makes sense ?
soo Im stealing this idea from Nav who did it last year in her blog . . .

Carly needs
~A crispers party with Elvis
~Lots of change for the laundry machines
~Full mobility of her left foot/ankle/leg
~Lots of home cooked food
~Friends who know her
~To know where she fits in
~A large air conditioning unit in her dorm room
~All of the oc and csi on DVD
~30 hours in a day
~Diffrent profs
~A math tutor avaiable 30/7 to teach her math
~A new brain
~Lots of chocolate and junk food
~An unlimited ammount of spring rolls
~Lots of money to decorate her dorm room
~A private jet

Saturday, September 23, 2006

So when I was at walmart I bought bedding . . . and let me tell you since etting bedding and adding soem stuff to my side of the room I feela touch happier (knock on wood) I may actually be settling in this would be a GREAT thing.

Today was Rday which is essentially the frosh get woken up at like 6 am line up get markered all over w/sharpie are made to chug warm beer and warm beer with cereal and then run around out side I was exempted because of the broken foot and the fact that I dont drink, Then you are put into cold showers fully clothed (once again exempted) Then you get to go back to bed till like 11 when they get you into the lobby more marker as well as make you dress in ridiculous value village fashions . . . and yes diapers were invovled, Then you go to the dinign hall and walka round saying "I am a maggot i am he scum between a maggots toes bt wait a maggot dosnt have toes there for i am nothing" then you eat. then you go downtown to a bar to get wasted . . . I still maintain that this is the day God forgot. I was dissapointed in myself that I would actually particiapte in it and it really opened my eyes to how being a witness means that you are a witness in word faith acts and observation as far as Im concerned me being there was bad enough.

I did stay home formt he bar trip though which leads me to how prodcutive today was I organised all my notes cleaned my side of the room posted test reminders all over stuff like that it was good. Im also excited for church tommorow . . . lunch after the service for all the first year students . . . real food not formd idnign hall or a fast food place Jesus loves me this I know.

The next 2 weeks are gonna be insane next week I have tests in every class with 2 tests each monday and friday and 1 on tuesday I need to talk to Kelly and ask her how to study. That is all for now though.

Friday, September 22, 2006

ode to walmart

this post is a tribute to walmart cuz i realized tonight no matter where you go walmart is pretty much the same im sure im insane for seeing walmart as comforting but cest la vie

tommorow is friday which is good friday is also a relativly easy day *yay* im done at 4 as opposed to 6 or 10

i want to go up to the itchen and make popcorn . . . its very much a priority right now
i think i may go do that

Thursday, September 21, 2006

im so sick of trying i really am
my couses are insane i hate sciences but my ad said to stick with it for osme reason
im starting to think that i cant handle rez and i feel like a failure i just dont know how to be outgoing or anything im just not good at it
i cant walk anywhere fast or anything which turns me into more of a reject
i cry lots
i feel like i should be adjusting and im not
im so scared and angry and hurt
honest i feel like a failure

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today may not be that bad it seems that Ive mastered walkign wigth just the cast and have abandoned the cruthces Im still just as slow I just stop less which is a god thing. Chris is silly and in my bad book wel actually no book because he has forsaken our walmart trip for a power nap,Im very unhappy about always being on campus. I know this sounds lame but Im really not confident going anywhere alone in this city yet and it seems whenever people do go somewhere Im in class or something not that t matters now because Im immobile anyway but you know. Im just going stir crazy . . . I think

Its not that I hate it here I dont Im just lonely that sums it all up

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I am physically afraid of tommorow. Today was doable I only hadone class but it allmost killed me I have NO idea how Im gonna manage 4 classes and a lab in 3 diffrent buildings plus a trip to walmart . . . I may not make it through peoples.

I know I sound like a wuss but to and from class today was 25 minutes each way, And I hurt I hate the crutches and my foot for breaking. Stoopid foot it hurts now to because I tripped on a step today and stumbled and ended up with a lot of weight on it to prevent actually falling on it.

Im also bored because everyone is watching house in the TV room but Ive pretty much made up my mind that I am not moving until I need to.
hahahaha of flutterbut

seems I couldnt suck it up either . . . .

Soo getting ready for math class I chck my email and have an email telling me to call campus health so I do.Turns out the x ray tech was wrong and my foot is indeed broken. After 9 hours (5-2) in the ER I am back with a cast . . . Seems the break wouldv been minor if it hadnt spread to the joint. Lessons learnt

1)dont jump to touch celings
2)Trust ure bodily instinct and ask to speak to a doctor !!
3)listen to lesley anne
4)take cae of injuries

Im tired of typing

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sooo I am getting ready to leave for chem but now Im sorta postponing it for this reason.

You see peoples after teh doctor told me my foot wasnt actually broken I decided "Not broken=suck it up butter cup nooo crutches and nooooo resting it" which is ok cuz I hated not being involved in everything and sucha nd the crutches are eveil death sticks well here lays the non logic in this.

Last night extreme pain and a very non happy carly so the protctor who is an Ex medical aide 9think campus emr) comes down to look at it baisically proclaims that I am an idiot and by not using the crutches I prolly ste myself back a feww days, and realistically I will hurt like hell for a couple weeks essentially USE THE FRIGGEN CRUTCHES. . . not a nice thought no not at all.

I want my classes to be closer . . . and all on the ground floor . . . as opposed to english which is on the third floor Thank god for elevators.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I may have found the one palce on earth with more hospital trips then camp and that place is . . .
Pass me the envelope pleaseeee . . .
*Cue for everyone to hold breath anxiously*

REZ thats right ladies and gentleman so far in the 2 weeks we have had people here there have been 3 hospital trips 2 campus health trips and a few misc colds etc. Its a jungle here that is fosho but in the words of kenny Yah Coby !!!!!

Dont ask maybe its the fact that its 6 am local time and i havnt slept yet thats making me such a freak but really thats not an excuse because I slept all day.

Sleeping all day wasnt my plan you see otday was actually boat day but being on cructhes and having a sprained foot dettered me from wanting to spend the day with drunk people in the middle of the ocean not to mention Im in paina nd prolly owuldnt have enjoyed it as much as I would have not to mention Crutches+Cluts who has very little crutches experiance+Moving boat+los of drunk people=Possibly very big trouble.

However I did have one outing today so Im hanging out with Julie and Shawn around midnight when megan and ben come down and they are wondeirng if anyone can take ben to the hospital (which is 2 blocks away) cuz he is havign some ear issues so I volunteer cuz Im bored and need excitment and figure even I can hbble 2 blocks so I spent 2 hours with ben in the ER to find out he has an ear infection *rolls eyes* howeevr we learnt that ben has very nice ears ?!?!?! and walking wihout crutches when you were given crutches is a BAD IDEA. However by some strange twist of fate we met people in the ER one of whomw as a women who had sprained her ankle (poor gal it was at her sisters wedding and it wa sher birthday) and they offered to give us a ride home which we both thought was the sweetest thing ever . . . kindness of starngers is an awsome thing peoples.

I also wnat to reitterate that God is good even when we dont htink so he still is.

Things Im thankfull for

1)That even tho I still dunno where I fit in I do seem to have 2 or 3 semi close friends whom I love dearly
2)I met a very friendly couple at church who have actually offered to pick me up and drop me off which is very happy seeing as I dont know this city at all yet
3)My new bank card is in the mail
4)The swelling in my foot has gone down a bit now its more puffy then lumpy
5)My room mate has extra strength motrin
6)Tommorow is still the weekend
7)Chi Alpha christian fellowship
9)Im kinna getting the hang of this crutches thing (even tho they still hurt)
10)I got to know someone else form rez today Ben
11)Since ebing here I have had many opprotunities to serve people in simple ways (like holding back hair while they puke)
12)I found out today that Julie is actually Salvation Army even tho she rarely attends
13)Answered prayers
14)The Disney movies that ryan lent me to watch while I lay in bed liek a lump with my foot up
15)My moms cuz she sent me my carebears calendar

So maybe my life isnt quite as big of a suckfest as I thought . . . I guess Im just having adjustment difficulties tehe Im such a psych student

PS at the hospital me and Ben placed bets on which antibiotics they would put him on Ben is Pre pharmacy Im pre psychology . . . I called amoxicillen I was right. I like beign right.

Friday, September 15, 2006

why my life is a suckfest

  • my armpits hands arms and foot all hurt
  • im alone
  • the movies ryan lent me arnt working so im sitting here staring at a computer screen

essentially im bored lonely and injured

Sooo Im walking down the hall last night coing back from dinner and Im in a pretty good mood and I look up at the celing and thought to myself "hmmm thats pretty low" so I decide to just hop up and touch it . . . .

Well I jumped funny landed funny and my toe hurt really bad, So I didnt think anything of it the guys were like its nuthing if i still hurts in the morning got o campus health so I ignore it and go to bens with everyone ya know out n about having fun . . .

Well I wakw up this morning nd its bruised to shit but I still go to class right well I came in for lunch and showed julie and shawn and it is DISGUSTING purple blue green yellow swollen groosness. So I got o campus health, So the doctor looks at it feels it and tells me to go in for Xrays because as far as she can tell Ive either broken my foot or my toe. So I go to the hospital . . .

The Xray tech is a bitch who feels it necesary to grip thebruise and reef on my foot to position it so I cry in pain and she yells at me . . . Then I find out nothings broken its just sprained to shit . . . I hurt its all over my foot and ankle . . . I also have to use crutches so my hands and armpits also hurt. This is soo not how i imagined my first mont of university.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Soo I am very much on a new beatles craze the music amazes me and Im unsure of how I never liked them until now.

Now ontot he real stuff school is umm ok . . . I have a chem lab in like 45 minutes then I have math so essentially 4 hours straight of class then dinner . . . boourns. Im also concerned about having to add another chem tutorial because its another hour a week that I dont want to spend in class it will mean that including labs ill have 8 hours of chem a week and that is alot.

I really do not wanna go to math I hate that class and everything it represents not to mention I essentially just sit there and write down the notes so I dont really absorb or learn anything I really have no clue what to do about that. Thankfully I do have 1 day a week without it or I do not know what I would do.

English still makes me smile it would take a miracle for me to stop liking that class unfortunatly I did not have it today. I think tommorow is a relativly easy day no math no labs so I kinna think just chem english and bio I can handle that.

Also I think me and Adam are checking out the Chi Alpha christian fellowship thingger tommorow night and that would be fantabulous. I should get ready for lab/class.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I really wish I could just put a finger on whats really bothering me you know Im trying to be happy I really turley am, I wanna be happy. Contrary to what Ive said it really is ok here and I can see myself liking it . . . My english class is amazing Ive mets ome great people and have had sooo much fun at times, My room mate is a sweet heart and is really good about putting up witht he fact that Im an evilly homesick mopey pouty angsty weepy stress muffin, Im not trying to be this way I just dunno it just is, On top of all this Im still hpersensitive so of ocurse most of the stuff said to me I feel is a personal attack.

In other news Im wearing a black skirt with pink flowers and a mini pink crinoliny thing under it, The skirt is very girly and I am wearing it during my first . . . "Intense/severe post tropical storm" Thats right peoples Im weathering my first (post) hurricane with style. Its over rated Ive seen more rain at camp and its not really "stormish" just grey wet and VERY windy well windy to me.

Boat trip is this saturday I am still undecided as to if Im going to go.

I must go eat lunch now so that I can take a nap before bio maybe that way I can stay awake in the dim lecture halll with the cushy chairs and the prof with a cutesy lilting british accent . . .

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

oh yah and i miss mainstreet cafe cornmeal muffins and val and my random chats and the office ladies and getting cake. and goign for runs at 10 at night and feelng perfectly safe. and everything else
I take it back
I know exactly what to say

I miss home I miss my room and my bed and people, I miss camp and having some of the best people in the universe allways within walkign distance. I miss my mom and her randomly coming downsatirs at like 1 am to see what i was working on and her allways asking why i didnt go to church or student council. I miss my lil sister and the way when i was upset or sad she was allways there to bring me gingerale or anythign even when i snaped at her to leave me alone. I miss niki randomly calling me when she was in nanton i miss our random trips to high river to go to the roadhouse and her allways callign me to see why i was late when we were suposed to do lunch. I miss random 3 am phone calls and random 3 am humtys dessert trips with ty. I miss our OC nights. I miss kay and our hot tub sex in the city breezer nights. I miss high school and knowing where all my classes were and knowing my teachers and them knowing me and me not being afraid of them. I miss student council and SADD and choir and band and just being invovled. I miss sweet queen pizza and veggy burgers. I miss my church and my church family and my Sunday school kids I miss erin my church sister and her hugs and sitting with me I miss cory and the way she woul allways believe in me. I miss jesse helping me with math. I goign downtown tot he candy store with sadie and renting videos and how with her i could allways make things right no matter how mean i had been. I miss allways knowing whatt o do and how to do it right. I miss being surrounded by people who cared about me and wnated me to suceed I miss knowing exactly where i fit in. I miss my mountains and how they were there no matter what I miss ny house and the way the sun lights up the living room cuz of the windows I miss myr oom and my "easter egg walls" i miss the smell of my room and my stuffed animals and my throw rugs and my bed and my lime green desk light. I miss my pink cow boy hat. I miss nanton and how people allways say hi eevnw hen they dont know you I miss my cat and how he would just snuggle up with me and start purring as soon as i was in a stationairy position. I miss english class and our inside jokes like "the air ball" and our trips downtown to the candy store when everyone skipped. I miss the back porh and laying there and tanning and getting slivers. I miss carl and me calling him a stupied idiot for wanting to be a bull rider. I miss cabarets and knowing everyone on security meaning I was usually pretty well looked after. I miss umeko and our random outings i miss barbara kynna nd her just plain oddness and ow she loves everyone. I miss yearbook lunches and everythign about them. I miss everything about my life and mostly i miss telling myself how silly it was and how boreing it was . . .
I dunno what to say.
I really dont.
Nothing is stable anymore or reliale.
Because I lost eevrything I knew I could rely on.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Ok so Im pissed !!! as in Angry as in lets scream at and shoot the world int he head angry ! I dotn even know how to explain it I know Im beign a bitch but serously I hate this !

Ok so I lost my bank card so I had to call and put a hold on my account . . . well then I found it however because I put a hold on my accountit wont work. Now here is why this makes me angry I need bedding, a chem book, lab coat, goggles and god only knows what else oh yah a phone card and grrrr I just dunno what to do ! and as if to make matters worse Becky seems to think that now is an awsome time to have peopel in our room like Im not pissy enuf I totally need people in here yep thats it.

I kinna hate rez sometimes like really all I want is friends but I dont have the confidence to go out and make friends so I sit and hope that someone will actually talk to me while all the while they think Im shya nd antisocial. I HATE THIS


I wish I was tired so that I could go to sleep . . .


Ok so Im pissed !!! as in Angry as in lets scream at and shoot the world int he head angry ! I dotn even know how to explain it I know Im beign a bitch but serously I hate this !

Ok so I lost my bank card so I had to call and put a hold on my account . . . well then I found it however because I put a hold on my accountit wont work. Now here is why this makes me angry I need bedding, a chem book, lab coat, goggles and god only knows what else oh yah a phone card and grrrr I just dunno what to do ! and as if to make matters worse Becky seems to think that now is an awsome time to have peopel in our room like Im not pissy enuf I totally need people in here yep thats it.

I kinna hate rez sometimes like really all I want is friends but I dont have the confidence to go out and make friends so I sit and hope that someone will actually talk to me while all the while they think Im shya nd antisocial. I HATE THIS


I wish I was tired so that I could go to sleep . . .

Friday, September 08, 2006

The beautys of rez life . . .
Mmmk so its been a few dyas since Ive posted and now I have about 10 minutes till I need to leave for math so Ima gonna post!

So school is umm interesting Im kinna stressy about chem and math but hopefully they will go allright, English is AWSOME bio, bio should be good and I havnt had psych yet but I have it for 2 and a half HOURS tonight so we shall see how that goes.

Rez is okI mean Im homesick but honestly I think rez is the best place to be for that I mean whereever I go there are people and its grrreat. I came across an article on sympatico today and mentioned it to Becky and at the same time we said "Yah but how much do we actually SLEEP in our own room??" Yah tru story on that we dont. However in my defense Rumboldts cushy matress is grrreat for minimal ammounts of sleeping (IE falling asleep yesterday afternoon for an hour while he set up his TV and such)

So yah Newfoundland is ok I see it as being doable I think . . .meh Ill decide in a week or so.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Critical reading and writing

Soooooo classes started this morning and Ive ben subjected to the horrors of intros to chem which Im thinkign will prove to be interesting. However the sheer beauty of english makes me smile and my tummy tickles you know that feeling you get when you walk into a class room and your whole body tingles from the excitment of what might happen ? yah english gave me that feeling. Also while reading voer my course outline realized that "I Icarus" is one of our poems and I read it in grade 12 so I feel ahead allready (thanks Mrs.B) Anyhow Im gonna header and finish some stuff then go eat lunch however Im pretty much free until 3 so I might be back!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

home is where the heart is

mmmk so after gosh knows how many hours on a plane Im actually here . . . Its actually pretty cool my roomate is nice and other then beong hellah homesick its good. Maybe its not hmesck maybe Im just scared . . .
I should go upack some more . . . or explore my house

PS the mascot for the house is the fighting game cock

its a rooster

Friday, September 01, 2006

Well this is it this all, This will be more then likely my last blog thing where this is my home . . . Well it iwll allways be my home but you know. I have the feelign after today it wont ever really be the same. So I leave my house in about half an hour then were gonna be running aorund in calgary pickign up a few last minute things then at 12.36 tonight I will board a plane bound for Newfoundland.

This is it peoples. I will be emailing out my new adresss/phone number soon and until then bonvoyage all my alberta peoples its been good!

PS prayers are allways appreciated !!


Soo in less then 24 hours Ill be on a plane to Newfoundland.
Pretty cool huh?
Pretty scary huh?
Well Im not thinking about either of those things because
A~I have a killer headache
B~~My clarinet is missing

Yep thats right folks somewhere between school ending and uni starting my clarinet has gone kapoot now this wouldnt be a big problem
except Im enrolled in concert band . . .


If I dotn find it Im screwed I mean puttign aside that Im gonna need it it is an extension of me . . it is my baby . . . it is my clara . . . (yah I named it)

I know this is kinna islly cuz like by the time anyone reads this if anyone reads it at all Ill prolly be like on my way to the airport . . . but prayers for finding my clarinet and getting there ok would be greatly appreciated.

Im gonna go try and get some sleep.
meaning Im gonna go read for hours . . .