Friday, March 16, 2007

1. Grab your phone.

2. What kind is your phone?
Pink and Black Samsung

3. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?

4. Who's the last person you called?
home to talk to my little sister

6. Who was your last missed call from?
My roommates phone I called my phone form it because I couldn't find my phone

7. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?

8. Who's speed dial 2?

9. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?

10. Who was your last received call from?
My grandma

11. Who is speed dial 4?

12. What does your banner say?
Silent mode

13. How many text messages are currently in your inbox?

14. What do you have as your background?
Black with pink stars . . . the pattern on my book bag I got bored one day lol

15. Who's speed dial #1?
voice mail

16. What's the 5th message say in your inbox?
Ok not a problem from BRad

17. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B?

18. how many bars of signal do you currently have?
19. Who was your last text message from?
Jordan Brace

20. Name every person you have text messages from.

22. whos the 9th person on your recent calls?

23. What does the 6th message in your inbox say?
march 15 12-2 march 20 2-4 march 21 1-3

24. Who is the first name in your Phonebook?

25. Who is the last name in your Phonebook?

26. Do you have a camera phone?

27. Who is the last person under G ?

28. What does the last text message say in your inbox?
""7 30 carly same as always" thats what my wonderfull aunt just said"

29.Who did you send the most text messages to in your outbox?
brad or elly

30. What is your ringtone?
vibrate or ben harpers diamonds on the inside

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